May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday of Holy Week

You always have the poor with you....(John 12:8)
A Relatively inconspicuous line, but one of the most oft-quoted of the gospels: "You always have the poor with you." What makes this humble verse so frequently repeated? Regularly dostorted, it serves as a handy rationale for ignoring the poor. "What's the point in helping the poor? Didn't Jesus say that the poor we would always have with us?" Right. But understood in the proper context, it simply means that there will be endless opportunities to help the poor. If I may borrow from another of the Lord's Sayings, many are called to help the poor but few do. There will always be those who lack the personal resources to manage their lives no matter how much money you give them, and there will always be those who are in need because others have failed to help. Whom will I help today? Whom will you help?
My precious God, You fill me with blessings and make me rich with the wealth of your goodness. You send the poor to me for help. Give me the grace I need to open my hand and share what I have with them.

Paul Boudreau
Between Sunday
Courtesy: Living Faith

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