May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Prayer with the Heart

George Washington, when he was President of America, used to pray daily for an hour in the morning before he began work and another hour in the evening after work. St. Thomas Moore used to spend, daily the time between 2 am and 6 am in prayer. They had, indeed, realized that 'More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.' Miss Monica Baldwin, the ex-nun, wrote in the Times of London that she and Fr. Charles Davis lost their vocation because they neglected to pray. Fr. Davis renounced even his faith. Bernard J Topel of Spokane used to advise his seminarians to cultivate personal prayer or discontinue thier clerical studies. The Spokane diocese got more vocations than any other in the country, while many other dioceses are suffering a drop in the number of vocations.

Personal Prayer:
I am not speaking here just of vocal prayer or of meditation strictly speaking, but rather about personal mental prayer. This prayer is more a loving than thinking; more an attitude than words or thoughts; it is more spontaneous than structural, more a listening than a talking.
What is prayer and how to pray are two questions difficult to answer. It cannot be otherwise as St. Paul himself testifes; "We do not know how to pray as we ought"(Romans 8:26).

Courtesy: Prayer with the Heart, Fr. Chacko Bernard C.R.


  1. That was a good article about personal prayer and our relationship with Christ. Brillianto!Great people are great since they get guidance from the Great and the supreme, Jesus our God who would like to be our friend.

  2. Yes, prayer is our food and nourishment for our souls.
