May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why "Shiloam"

The thought of starting a blog came to my mind after recollecting that I had to do something to spread the word of God as a true christian, as each christian is responsible for living a life that Jesus taught us as well as to spread the Word of God inorder to save souls for the Kingdom of God. There are many good things that we come across in our daily lives, including a pleasant experience where we can experience the love of God, the good books that we read, the good messages influence us and the good thoughts that come into our minds. If we share these, the goodness and the effects of the message will multipy in many folds in our lives.
As the technologies for media and propaganda have developed a lot, it is possible for one to communicate effectively with the touch of a finger, the utilization of a blog was thought to be ideal and better to share the thoughts as well as to enable all the readers to contribute their valuable comments and reflections.
When looking for the name of the blog, after saying a prayer, opened the Holy Bible for an inspiration. The first word I saw was "Siloam" which means 'sent',as in John 9:6-7, 'After he said this, Jesus spat on the ground and made some mud with the spittle; He rubbed the mud on the man's eyes and told him, "Go and wash your face in the Pool of Siloam." (This means "Sent.") So the man went, washed his face, and came back seeing.'
These words influenced me, as I got it straight from the Bible. I knew this was the word I had to use for the name of the blog, but I wasn't certain that this name will impress many as it is not so popular as many other common names in the Bible. So, naming of the blog delayed for few more days and finally I realized that I had to use the same name as it was given to me by God. But somewhere in the process, while typing, the spelling came out to be 'Shiloam' rather than 'Siloam'. But I realize it only after few days. Now I am so contented to accept it as the plan of God.

As Jesus healed that blind man, lets also ask Jesus to heal our blindness of our innerselves, which is blinded in the worldly things and temptations and prevents us to see the realy beauty of the gift of God. Lets all try and achieve that freedom which is far away from the cravings for richness, wealths and pleasures of this life. The freedom that Christ gives us through the gift of His Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, help us, guide us and use us as your instrumets of peace and love. Praise and glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

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