May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Who Am I?

Who am I? Ofcourse I am a human being with all the feelings, craving and desires to live a life as comfortable as I can in this world and not willing to think about death at all. For many this is the right (false) way of thinking. But is it true? Are we not hiding the reality? Are we just ignoring the fact that we need to nourish our souls as well?
A human being is made of spirit and body, but more often we spend time thinking of the desires, feelings and comforts of the body and ignoring the spiritual needs, the sprititual cravings and often unfilling the spiritual desires.
God really would like us all to nourish our souls, so that we can be the shareolders of His kingdom one day when we all have to live this body and end all the desires of the body through death.
For a man to be a human being, he needs to have a body as well as a well-nourished spirit. The tempatations of this world always remain as an enemy of God's spirit that dwell in us. We need to fight against this evil temptations and stand against our own physical desires sometimes, to regain spiritual strength. We shoud be able to resist and avoid our feelings such as anger, lust, craving for wealth, greed, jealosy and any other feelings that keep us far from receiving the gift of God.
Parents should be more careful to lay a good example and model for their children, by living a life as Jesus told us to live, abiding the Word of God and living as a real christian.

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