May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Friday, March 23, 2012

The ABCs of the Crusade of Love

Respect Everyone - Christ resides in everyone. Be sensitive to others - they are your brothers and sisters.

Think well of of everyone - think ill of no one. Try to find something good even in the worst circumstances.

Always speak well of others - do not cast a slur on anyone. Repair any harm resulting from an uttered word. Do not provoke strife between people.

Speak to everyone in the language of love - Do not raise your voice. Do not swear. Do not vex others. Do not provoke tears. Reassure others. Show a kind heart.

Forgive everyone not hold grudges. Always be the first to extend your hand as a sign of reconciliation.

Act always to your neighbour's advantage. Do good things to others, as you would like them done to you. Never give a thought to what others owe you, but always to what you owe them.

Be actively compassionate in time of suffering. Be quick to offer consolation, counsel, assistance, kindness.

Work conscientiously - others benefit from the fruits of your labor, just as you benefit from the labor of others.

Be active in your community. Be open to the poor and the sick. Share your goods. Try to see the needs of those around you.

Pray for everyone, even your enemies.

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (1900 - 1981

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