May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Come near to God

Come near to God and he will come near to you. (James 4:8)

Happy New Year!! Many of us want to take new resolutions for the new year, a resolution to make our life better and the world a better place to live. Do we need something exciting for this new year? Something most precious and valuable than anything in the world? the greatest gift we can ever receive on earth?
Yes that is the love of God. The love of the almighty. God is the almighty, all powerful, the creator of the universe and the only God worthy of all praises and adoration. God is so eager to come close to us. God is waiting to gift us with his love. He is just waiting for our permission, our openness to accept and receive Him. God is so gently and ever loving. We only need to be ready to befriend Him. If we take one step, God will take two steps towards us, to give us His love, His mercy and his tender care.
All that we need to do is to sit relaxed for a moment, recollect about our own life, the aim of our life, the uncertainties of life and the little we can do about it without the helping hand of God. It is our acknowledgement about our unworthiness and inabilities that draw us towards the love of God. We are mere human beings, Some of us may even think that humans have conquered the world, the science, the technologies, and whatever latest developments we see around us today. But have we conquered the power over our own life? Even the very best doctors in the world would say at certain situations, that 'there is nothing more they, the science or the medications can do to save a life'. that is the realization we need to make, this is when we need to acknowledge the power of God. There is a limitation on how much we can do. Let us give away all the pride, selfishness and dominating behaviors from our lives. Surrender them all at the foot of the cross of Jesus, through which Jesus has gained the salvation for us. Let us move more close to him.  Let Jesus come near to us and take control of our lives. There is no limitation on how much God can do. When we walk with God, there cannot be any barriers in our lives. Because God can break all the barriers and guide us through the right path that leads us to salvation. May God bless you!!!

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