May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It is a Game....Is it?

Human life is a trial period - it is a test - it is a game. The only difference is that there is no human opponent against are not competing against anybody in this game--it is you competing against yourself - against your own earthly desires, against the temptations to sin, against everything that comes across your path towards God. You have only one ultimate goal in this game - that is HEAVEN. There can never be any achievement higher than this. This degree or achievement is given only by God. All the guidance and instructions to achieve this goal is set out in the Holy Bible and Jesus showed us practically how to aim for this goal, sustain in the path and achieve this goal. What we need to do is follow Jesus. Grab all the opportunities to know Him more and more. Follow his footsteps. He takes the narrow path - the difficult one. There are many ways open you your eyes. The body will be more eager to take those easy-wide-attractive road. But the soul realises the right path, only when our souls are guided by the Holy Spirit. The body's desires are of this world, but the soul desire for the eternal life. We should never let the body overtake the soul. The soul should take control of the body and it's desires.

The body has a tendency to is natural...that is how most humans are born. But each one is given a precious soul, to take control of the body. We need to overcome the body with a purified soul and keep if from all the sins and desires of the world.

May God bless you all and help you sustain in the right path which is guided by Jesus.

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