May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Friday, November 23, 2012


Happiness: The only men in the world who are really happy are the ones who know how to pray. True happiness of man on earth, consists in praying; and loving. Prayer is one of the basic needs of man.

Breath of the soul: As food is indispensable for the body, prayer is indispensable for the soul. In fact, food for the body is not so necessary, as prayer is for the soul. Fasting is often necessary in order to keep the body healthy. For our spiritual life, we need prayer as we need breathing to remain alive. A man can live fifty days without food, but only a few minutes without breathing. Without prayer, sanctification is unthinkable. He who knows how to pray well, knows how to live well. Our prayer will show us what condition we are in.

Courtesy of : Prayer with the heart

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