May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Depression??? Defeat it

What discourages most people in life is the thought such as, 'I live in vain', ,there is no peace in life', 'no one loves me', 'there is no hope in life' etc. These are the thoughts that ruins the quality of anyone's life and lead a person to depression and to lose the will to live. 

Depression can lead to fatal mental status, confusions, fear of life and even lead to suicidal thoughts. The society and social systems can play a part in the role of leading a person to depression. The response, reactions, rejections, and non-acceptance in the society or the people around can be the causes of anxiety, low mood and depression. But should it really affect a person? There are times when we think that we cannot survive without socializing or support of the society. But just think that the society is made up of each individuals and each individual is unique, each one has got his or her own role to play in personal and public life. Just because of being unique, each one has to be responsible for his own life. Therefore no one can blame the society or the system for individual dissatisfaction. Satisfaction and happiness in life can be achieved, when a person is able realize his own root and the reason for his existence. But when a person doesn't realize that he is created by God, created to live in this world, and not following the commands of his creator, he fails to be in the right tack. When the life track is changed, failures in life can start. It is important to get back to the track and for this we need the help of the creator, who is in control of everything, everything in our life and that in the universe. Our faith and attitude towards our creator decides our destiny and the quality of life. So each one is responsible for his own life - whether the life leads to depression and death or it leads to peace, joy and hope.

Jesus came to tell us that he is the way the truth and the life. No one else in the human history has ever said what Jesus has told us. Because only Jesus has the power and authority to say, that anyone who trust in him will have the peace, joy and eternal life. Jesus gives us peace...... and that peace, if we are prepared to receive, is given freely. So Jesus is the answer to any of your troubles, anxieties, depressions and sufferings.

However, contrary to what Jesus offers, satan roams around the world, deceiving everyone, brain-washing innocent victims and luring them to search for and  rely in the momentary pleasures of the word and to ignore God and all commands of God. When people are sunk in the pleasures of the world, ignoring God, all the seeds of evil slowly start sprouting in life, without anyone acknowledging it. The world is making a person to accept and do a sin, considering it not as a sin. Because satan deceives and brainwash the people to believe that sin is not a sin and make it normal way of living. Satan continuously attempt to snatch the peace away, giving insecurity and depression in life and lead to death. People live in ignorance, unknowing the truth. Here we need the help of Jesus as only Jesus can win over sin and satan. Only good can win over evil, Only a good person can win over the bad one. We may think that it is impossible, but with God and through God everything is possible. Trust in Jesus.

 Jesus tells us to believe in him, so that you and your household will be saved.  It is important to keep away from sin, and if the society is leading you to sin, keep that sin away and change your attitude. Hold the hand of Jesus and he will guide you to the right path which leads to peace and joy.

Let us pray, Lord Jesus, help us to acknowledge you, understand you and trust in you. So that we may follow your ways that leads us to peace, joy and everlasting life. Help us to overcome all the evils that is in the society, with the help of your mighty hand, and help us to be good, do good and transform the society to be good and to be faithful to God who is our creator. Help us to submit ourselves for your control and guidance in our life, Be with us at every seconds in our lives. Amen.

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