May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Why?...Sufferings....Natural Calamities...

God does not discriminate anyone based on colour, cast, creed or religion. Everyone is same at God's sight, because He is the creator of everyone and everything. God is in control of everything. He controls the universe. Nothing happens without His knowledge. None of the so-called super humans will be able to know God's plans. None of the technologies, science or human brains can predict Gods plans and works. We the humans have no authority to question God....we are the creation.
What we need to do is to know God, acknowledge His power over the whole of the universe, be submissive to God and live a life pleasing to God, so that we may walk in the right path, which will leads us to eternal life - a new life to live with God after our term in this earth.

God has given the mankind, the freedom to choose good or bad. A person's destiny will depend on what he has done with his life in this world.
Sufferings are part of human life. Sufferings do happen from time to time, natural calamities occur, big buildings, lands, most advanced developments, based on latest technologies perish, humans die everywhere because of various reasons, good and bad people may die together in the same disaster. When death comes, those who are prepared, kept themselves from all the dirts (sins) of the world, have not caused any sinful burden to the earth and the society, will survive the eternal life. But those who never thought about God or lived a sinful, immoral life will perish eternally. However, we all have the chance to repent and turn back to God, accept and be submissive to the creator at this current time. If we do not utilise our chance on this given time....we lose and we can never blame anyone for our destiny. We need to learn from every deaths, calamities, and destructions- that it may one day happen to us or to our own land also. Our survival in this world is unpredictable. Let every death or the news about death, open our eyes. All humans are physically moving on the same route- the route to the grave. It is a fact and we need to acknowledge this fact. But this is not the end. It is the beginning to a new life, based on our deeds...remember....our own individual deeds....not that of the society we live, or anyone around us.
So let us not blame anything, acknowledge Gods works, it may appear to be good or bad in our own thoughts, but God has a plan. For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord", plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.(Jer 29:11) Let is believe in His words, be good, do good, be submissive to God and walk in His ways, in order to save our lives.
God bless!!!