May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord. (Psalm 18:15)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What If???

We all often or rarely in our lives be proud of our achievements or abilities. At least there may be few occassions when we thought that...this is done because of me... or.... I have managed to do it because I am able...or... without me it would have been impossible....I have the ability to do so.....I am qualified to do it....I have such and such degree, position or job and I am above some of you...and so on and so on. Knowingly or unknowingly we boast of ourselves, atleast we boast in our minds. This is the pride....that enters into our minds and this pride is a sin that is sawed by the devil. The devil is a deceiver and he makes the people think that to be proud of what we are is not a sin. Definitiely it is a sin as Jesus repeatedly tells us in the Bible.

When someone say or think all these boastfulness, they should stop for a minute and ask a question to themselves....WHAT IF?...What if they were not given these abilities? What if they had some mental of physical disabilities? What if they suffer from serious diseases and unable to do what they boast off? Surely God has given them these abilities and strengths to do the task they do....but we forget the fact that God has gifted us with these abilities. God provides, and man take advantage of it without saying thanks to God and be submissive to Him.

Dear friends, we need to be sorry for the times we have boasted about our own abilities. No human can alone achieve anything...unless it is being given by God. God has a definite plan for each and everyone of us. If God has given us something or gifted us with something, we have the obligation to be thankful and return to God with tenfolds. Our abilities will multiply when we do that and God will grant us more gifts so that we may utilise those God-given gifts fot the service of God and to serve the mankind.

Let us Pray to God that He may shower his abundant blessings upon us and we may ever remain faithful to Him and remain in His love and share the love of God to our neighbours by abiding in the word of God.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Value of Life

What is life for everyone? Really it is a gift from God. Not just a gift, but a precious gift, which God has specially made uniqually for everyone. But often we do not realize the true value of life and take it for granted. Today I saw a dumb and deaf man with low intelligence, and realized the value of life God granted to me. It made me think that when so many people in the world are physically disabled, unable to do their activities of daily living, unable to communicate or interact socially, is there anything that bother me except better life and wealth? If so I am not in the right mind. I need to be thankfull to God for all the gifts He showered on me in my life. We need to realize that everyone, all the people, the healthy, disabled, illiterate, unhealthy and poor...all will be the same in the sight of God. The life after death will be the same for everyone, depend on how they live their life given in this world. The life in this world is testing period. Those of us who are working hard to pass the test will enjoy the eternal life that God is going to provide us. After all God is in control of everything. God planed for your past, present and future. Your life is in his mighty hand. All that you need to do is to be submissive to Him and constantly remain in prayer, as prayer is the way of communication with God. The name of 'Jesus' is the only name given for the salvation of mankind.

God has given us the ten commandments to abide well as the whole bible is instructions for us to follow to pass the test in this world. Through constant prayer, we can communicate with God and get the guidance from the Holy Spirit, who will help us to live a life according to the will of  God, and lead us to salvation.
Lord Jesus, thank you for being our savior, thank you for th gift of life given to us, us to follow your you are the way, the truth and the life.....give us th Holy that we may be enlightened and be messengers of your word of love.